Tistou of the Green Thumbs | NUKU

Tistou of the Green Thumbs

1 h 25 min|School children, Young person|Small Hall

A story of how miracles can happen

Tistou of the Green Thumbs tells the story of a boy who asks questions that grown-ups no longer cannot or dare not ask. Do we really think that people become better when we lock them up in prison? Why don’t people get well when we keep finding better and better means to treat them? If we know that you can lose everything in war, why do we still keep fighting?  

But it is also a story of how not to lose your joy of life when faced with the pain of life. How to find your talent and use it to bring joy to others. It is a story of how miracles can happen. The question is: can we always recognise them?


Rasmus Vendel (guest), Maria Ehrenberg, Anti Kobin, Lee Trei, Taavi Tõnisson