In the museum game, we will meet many characters form Lewis Carroll’s beloved story Alice in Wonderland, with the White Rabbit and the Cheshire Cat showing the way. Together we will decorate the Queen of Hearts’ rose garden, play croquet on an ice bridge and dress up to attend the Hatter’s and the March Hare’s tea party, where each visitor can make themselves a wonderland character as a keepsake. The museum game also refers back to the Puppet Theatre’s 1994 production Alice in Wonderland, introducing its main character as well as figures inspired by other characters.
The museum game is a tour in the museum guided by the Museum of Puppetry Arts’ curator of education programmes. Unlike watching a performance, the museum game is an interactive teaching method, which introduces children to Estonian puppetry heritage and develops their creativity and social skills.
In Estonian
Duration: 30 min
Materials and additional activities
Also recommended
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