In this screen puppet show a sparrow goes to visit crows, bears, foxes, bees, flowers and children to learn about their homes and what are the names of their homes.
A crow's house is a nest,
a bear's house is a cave.
The fox lives in a burrow,
and the bee lives in a hive.
The flower is in a garden
and a human's home is a house.
Helle Laas or Laura Nõlvak, Are Uder and Riho Tammert
Also recommended
Weepie's Whispers Children Program. Soundscape worlds for babies aged 10 months to 2 years. 30 min | Oval Hall
Samsara Story about discovering, overcoming fears, and letting go. For ages 3+ ca 20 min | Oval Hall
Choo, choo, choo A show for little children where Mr Duck takes everyone on a fun train ride. Suitable for non-Estonian speakers. 30 min | Oval Hall
Palle Alone in the World What if one day you could do whatever you wanted to? Ca 30 min | Oval Hall