A beautiful fairy tale
It is wonderful that a little decorated box can hold the whole world along with a castle and all the joys and sorrows. But it is true.
The storytellers open their tiny puppet theatre to all who believe in fairy tales. Puppets less than a foot tall and a beautifully painted picture book tell the story of how a good fairy reverses the spell of an evil fairy, how the prince’s kiss will awaken the princess from a hundred-year-long sleep and how the whole castle comes back to a new life.
Also recommended
Tale of the Tree Elves A heart-warming story about a beginning of a friendship 50 min | Small Hall
RETTELLETTER Of friendship, letters, existence. For ages 7+. 1 h 20 min | Small Hall
The Scarlet Umbrella A mirthful play with a little scarlet sun for ages 3+. 25 min | Oval Hall
Sun, Moon and Stars A legend about the creation of heavenly bodies. For toddlers aged 2–5 years. 40 min | Oval Hall