Samsara | NUKU


ca 20 min|Young children|Oval Hall

Samsara is born into a world that is a bit unfamiliar at first. It seems that she hasn’t been here before. Or has she? There is someone else wandering around here, in this world. Who is he? He seems friendly… is playing the guitar and moving the clouds.

Often, what is unfamiliar to us feels scary at first. But once you learn to know it more, fear disappears and is replaced by something else. Fear is replaced by curiosity; curiosity is replaced by the joy of recognition. The stranger becomes near and dear. What is yours becomes his. Everything repeats itself.

Samsara is a story, told by means of installation art, about discovering, overcoming fears, and letting go. About fear of the unknown, the stranger. Who is this stranger? What does he want from me? I don’t know if I’m ready to accept this world the way I can’t see it yet.

Please take your shoes off before entering the room. 


Doris Tislar and Jevgeni Moissejenko